Personality Profiler and Face Reader
My journey as a Face Reader began at the early stages of my teenage when I got fascinated by the idea of being able to tell someone’s personality and other traits just by looking at their face. I began to research the subject and read up on the different theories and methods during my teenage years. With the passage of the time my interest in face reading led me to explore the subject even more deeply. I began to read books, attend lectures, and talk to experts in the field.

My expertise lies in the Five Elements theory of Chinese Medicine, which helps me to understand a person’s inner personality, thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and overall well-being. I use this knowledge to provide guidance and insight to help individuals understand themselves better and live a more authentic and joyful life. After spending 2 decades on this Journey of my life, now with my skills, I can help individuals to create a more positive and affirming life by understanding the secrets inscribed in the features of their face.

Helping People to Meet Their Authentic Self

What is Face Reading?

Face reading, also known as physiognomy, is an ancient technique used in Chinese medicine to analyse a person’s face to determine their physical health and potential for illness. The patterns and features of a person’s face also reflect the five elements of Chinese Medicine, which represent their inner personality, thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and overall well-being. By analysing a person’s face, doctors were able to determine which elements were in balance or imbalance, leading to the understanding of the individual’s inner personality and how they tend to think, feel and behave. Face reading evolved into a tool for personal growth and self-improvement, helping individuals to understand themselves better and live a more authentic and joyful life by using the five elements theory.

Who Is Face Reading For?

Each and every human being is a unique and miraculous creation of mother nature and behaves or reacts to life according to his/her own and unique psychological traits. That is why every human face tells a different story to a good Face Reader.

Face reading is a wonderful tool which can help anyone to understand who they really are. It also gives people wisdom to understand anyone by just having a glance at anyone’s face so that everyone can live in harmony and peace with each other.
and live a more authentic and joyful life by using the five elements theory.

Read a Face, Don’t Judge

The Five Elements way

The five-element theory is an ancient philosophy that suggests that the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water are foundational to all life. This wisdom has been developed before sanctuaries after observing patterns of mother nature. Moreover, it is based on the principles of Chinese Medicine, indicating its proven scientific connection.

Each human being behaves and reacts to life situations as per his true personality type governed by a combination of different elements.
Our behaviours and way of emotional/intellectual reactions cause specific changes in our facial features.

By minute observation of facial features along with deep knowledge of the characteristics of five elements, the Face Reader can assess our behaviours in the past and also, our strong and weak points. He can then guide about do’s and don’ts for achieving peace, happiness, goals in the various aspects of life in future.

Reading vs. Judging:

Face reading is about getting accurate impressions about a person where you Observe the face without biases of head or heart. You actually READ WHAT IS WRITTEN in a systematic way with a step-by-step process. Most people can do a wild guess or Judge others which may not have any base.

What vs Why:

When you understand the fundamental principles and WHY a particular feature has that meaning, you won’t need to work hard to remember WHAT feature has WHAT meaning.


The Element of wisdom and intuition. It is usually seen on the eyes, forehead, and chin. It indicates and intuitive, creative, and wise person.


The Element of growth, abundance, and fertility. It is usually seen on the forehead, eyebrows, and eyes. It indicates an ambitious and organized person with a fighting spirit.


The Element of passion, enthusiasm, and strong emotions. It is usually seen on the cheeks, nose, and mouth. It indicates a confident and optimistic person.


The Element of stability and security. It is usually seen on the chin, jawline, and forehead. It indicates a grounded, reliable, and loyal person.


The Element of clarity and focus. It is usually seen on the nose, cheeks, and eyes. It indicates a decisive, goal-oriented, and analytical person.

How can I help you?

Personalized Face Reading

Get a personalized face reading for yourself to understand who you truly are. You can give someone their face reading. Drop a message to see a sample of the face reading you will get.

Master Class on Basic Face Reading

Join our exclusive Master Class on Basic Face Reading and unlock the secrets hidden beneath the surface. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced enthusiast, this course is designed to deepen your understanding and elevate your skills.

More Details
  • Build a strong foundation by understanding the core principles of Five Elements 
  • Learn the unique technique of applying these principles in reading any face. This is a systematic and a step-by-step process which is developed after my years of experience.
  • Practical reading sessions for practice

Advanced Face Reading Coaching

Are you ready to take your face reading skills to the next level? Dive into our Advanced Face Reading Course and unlock the secrets hidden within every facial feature. Discover the nuances and intricacies that make each face unique, and delve deeper into the art and science of physiognomy.


More Details
  • Weekly practice session to understand the variations of each facial feature.
  • Weekly Tips subscription

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